What Is Temporomandibular Disorder &Amp; Treatments}

Submitted by: Susan Cottrell

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) relates to problems with the jaw, jaw joint, and surrounding muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull. The joints are flexible, allowing the jaw to move smoothly up and down and side to side and enabling you to talk, chew, and yawn.

What Are the Causes of TMD?

The causes of TMD are multifactorial. Possible factors may include:

* Trauma to the jaw, Temporomandibular joint, or muscles of the head and neck – such as from a heavy blow to the face, or a whiplash injury

* Grinding or clenching the teeth which puts a lot of pressure on the TMJ

* Stress and anxiety – which may cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth


* Postural position of the head, neck, and rest of the body – especially a forward head posture (“poking chin”), or slouching (kyphosis)

What Are the Symptoms of TMD?

Common symptoms of TMD include:

* Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ea

* Limited ability to open the mouth (the normal range of mouth opening is 4.5 cm)

* Jaw gets “stuck” or “locked” when opening or closing the mouth

* Clicking, popping, or grinding sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth (may be accompanied by pain)

* Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite – as if the upper and lower teeth are not fitting together properly

* Headache, neck pain, dizziness, earache, toothache, or ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

Your physiotherapist Brisbane will perform a thorough assessment of your jaw and neck to diagnose your condition and differentiate between the structures that may be causing your symptoms. The main aim of treatment will be to relieve your symptoms, correct any predisposing factors, improve the alignment and reduce the load through the neck and jaw.

Physiotherapy Brisbane Treatment may include – postural awareness and retraining, joint mobilizations to the jaw and upper neck (cervical spine), soft tissue / muscle release techniques, dry needling / acupuncture, and exercises. You may also need to see a dentist who specializes in TMD to get an occlusal splint made to correct the position of your jaw and prevent over activity in the jaw muscles, especially if you grind your teeth at night.

At the Body Refinery you can find expert physiotherapist to help manage your discomfort and start getting active in a safe way, helping you to start decreasing the threat of movement with progressive exercises, safe environment and reassurance to recovering progressively the normal motion of your body.

To make an appointment call our reception staff on 07 3358 3915 or or email info@thebodyrefinery.com.au. Be sure to request one of our womens health physiotherapists.

The Body Refinery has two practices in Brisbane, providing a unique environment which merges the disciplines of physiotherapy, pd warrior treatment, remedial massage Brisbane and other strength and conditioning activities to optimize movement for a healthy, fit and fulfilling life.

About the Author: The Body Refinery has two practices in Brisbane, providing a unique environment which merges the disciplines of physiotherapy, Pilates and other strength and conditioning activities to optimise movement for a healthy, fit and fulfilling life.Visit here for more Information :




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